electronics is alien ground to meの例文
alien to alien
Moreover, the foreign lands are not paradises lost but worlds with their own scars that rightly appear alien to alien explorers.

ground to ground
Maximum flying time, ground to ground, to anywhere in the world would be about 70 minutes. They took up a nomadic existence moving from ground to ground over the past twenty years. Note th......

ground to ground missile
Operation Iraqi Freedom commenced on the evening of March 20, 2003, following preliminary strikes by coalition forces and Ground to Ground Missile attacks by Iraqi forces on Ali Al Salem A......

ground to ground missiles
Operation Iraqi Freedom commenced on the evening of March 20, 2003, following preliminary strikes by coalition forces and Ground to Ground Missile attacks by Iraqi forces on Ali Al Salem A......

ground-to-ground missile
A new method about aiming azimuth checking before launch of the ground - to - ground missile Ground - to - ground missile In october 1994 , china reaffirmed its promise and undertook the o......

a hungry alien
Now the city is dotted with bars and restaurants with alien dolls hanging in the windows, a " Starchild " gift shop and the " Your Way Deli, " referring to a hungry alien who might be in R......

aboard an alien ship
According to the Web site called Heaven's Gate, members of the group apparently believed suicide could be a way to get aboard an alien ship that some believe is trailing the comet Hale-Bop......

admission of alien
Specifically, CNRA ?702 ( a ) amended the Covenant to state that " the provisions of the'immigration laws'( as defined in section 101 ( a ) ( 17 ) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( ......

It is against the law to harbor and hide illegal aliens. Fear and anger about illegal aliens have deep roots in California. The desert presents different problems for alien crossings, Summ......

alien 1
Alien 1 . 3 1, 589 4 787-62 44 . 2

alien 2
:Instead of putting it under Xenomporh Alien put it under Xenomporh Alien 2. He is known to horror film fans for his 1980 opus " Alien 2 : On Earth ", which he coproduced, wrote and direct......

alien 3
When last seen, in 1993, at the conclusion of " Alien 3," Oparei's film debut was a small supporting role in Alien 3. Directed by David Fincher, of the darker-than-dark " Alien 3 ." During......

alien 4
"Donnie Brasco, " and the upcoming " Aliens 4, " among many others .) Weaver is shooting " Alien 4 " and was unavailable for comment on the Whitney proposal. If only 20th Century Fox can p......

alien 5
Filmgraphy The Lion King 4 ( 2012 ) Voice of Dennis Poltergeist ( Remake ) 2011 Jimmy Carol Alien 5 2011 John Series ( Guest ) South Park 2011 Himself Family Guy 2011 Joe The Simpsons 2011......

alien 51
Hoyt was in the independent film, Alien 51, opposite Heidi Fleiss. The Prids'music was featured in the 2004 science fiction film " Alien 51 " starring Heidi Fleiss.

alien 6
In fact, I'd really like to make ` Alien 6 ! "' If someone asked me to make ` Alien 6,'it would be autobiographical, too.

alien 8
All of which were recorded on various labels : Avatar, ND, Alien 8, Locust, and Oral. Another feature is the use of remote controlled drones, which can be directed by Alien 8 into inaccess......

alien 8 recordings
The Science of Breath, featuring tracks culled from these records, was released in 2002 by Alien 8 Recordings; his official debut came in 2003 on Italian.

alien abductee
Joining Tucker along for the ride are ace reporter and multiple alien abductee Grace ( " Melrose Place's" In 1998, Owens was cast as special agent Jeffrey Spender, son of The Smoking Man a......

alien abduction
Just as an example : consider the " Alien Abduction " page. The game plot centers around a massive space ship and alien abductions. Dandenong Foothills Encounter is a new article describin......

alien abduction insurance
They were aware that we provided alien abduction insurance from the Internet, The Heaven's Gate religious group had purchased alien abduction insurance before their mass suicide. The first......

alien abduction phenomenon
Critics of Hopkins'assertions about alien abductions contend that the alien abduction phenomenon is not as mysterious as Hopkins makes it out to be. :Part of a small walled garden that is ......

alien abduction trauma and recovery
We just need to be clear that linking it from Barack Obama would be about as WP : DUE as linking Alien Abduction Trauma and Recovery from the main Psychological trauma article. I noticed t......

alien abductions
He has yet to induce a full sensation of alien abduction. What about all these memories of alien abductions and past lives? Accounts of alien abductions have become as stylized as Kabuki d......

alien absconder
"These guys are being scapegoated, " said Sandra Nichols, a New York immigration lawyer who represents several alien absconders being held in New Jersey jails. As of Friday, 708 of the app......